Get the PS3 Linux Add-on CD.
Get the Fedora Core 6 DVD from official mirrors.
Follow these instructions but use the FC6 DVD where the instructions reference FC5 DVD.
And use the Add-on CD from the site specified above
- Install the minimum FC6 (about 5 minutes)
- Leave the FC6 DVD on the drive during all this tutorial
Network and ssh server
mount the /mnt/dcrom with the FC6 DVD in the driver after the installation is finished, and install
dhclient and ssh server. This way you can login from another computer and copy paste the rest of the
tutorial, on the command line.
# mount /mnt/cdrom
# cd /mnt/cdrom/Fedora/RPMS
# rpm -Uvh dhclient*
# cd /
# dhclient
# yum install openssh-server
Kernel used is the kernel in the PS3 Linux Add-on CD. So be careful and do not replace the kernel with
the FC6 kernel.
Display resolution:
###################ഊHow to install Fedora Core 6 Linux for PS3
ps3videomode - use this cmd line tool to adjust your video mode.
and then change /etc/kboot.conf with the video mode you want to persist:
edit line:
linux='/boot/vmlinux-2.6.16 initrd=/boot/initrd.img video=ps3fb:mode:3'
Install graphical mode and KDE Desktop environment
This will take some time but should do it, say yes to all questions:
# yum groupinstall "KDE (K Desktop Environment)"
# yum install pirut k3b mikmod
# yum groupinstall "Server Configuration Tools"
# yum groupinstall "Sound and Video"
# yum groupinstall "GNOME Desktop Environment"
# yum groupinstall "Legacy Software Support"
# yum groupinstall "Development Libraries"
# yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
# yum groupinstall "Windows File Server"
# yum groupinstall "System Tools"
# yum groupinstall "X Window System"
# yum install switchdesk lslk logwatch dump lftp bind-utils sendmail nss_ldap device-mapper-multipath
ypbind yp-tools
# yum install parted.ppc64 rdist.ppc man-pages.noarch talk.ppc pam_ccreds.ppc nc.ppc traceroute.ppc
unix2dos.ppc setarch.ppc pam_passwdqc.ppc words.noarch cpuspeed.ppc netdump.ppc crontabs.
noarch fbset.ppc acl.ppc dosfstools.ppc usbutils.ppc redhat-lsb.ppc rsync.ppc mgetty.ppc time.ppc man.
ppc pam_passwdqc.ppc64 pam_smb.ppc wget.ppc
# yum install diskdumputils.ppc ftp.ppc pinfo.ppc ksh.ppc jwhois.ppc psacct.ppc ipsec-tools.ppc
dhcpv6_client.ppc lsof.ppc readahead.ppc pcmciautils.ppc sudo.ppc yum-updatesd.noarch pam_smb.
ppc64 cyrus-sasl-plain.ppc sysreport.noarch pam_pkcs11.ppc64 rdate.ppc finger.ppc anacron.ppc nano.
ppc pam_ccreds.ppc64 parted.ppc attr.ppc tcsh.ppc specspo.noarch stunnel.ppc mlocate.ppc tcpdump.
ppc dos2unix.ppc rsh.ppc irda-utils.ppc numactl.ppc tree.ppc
# yum install pam_pkcs11.ppc tmpwatch.ppc gnupg.ppc vconfig.ppc iptstate.ppc pax.ppc mtr.ppc
nss_db.ppc rp-pppoe.ppc krb5-workstation.ppc pam_krb5.ppc64 mdadm.ppc quota.ppc pam_krb5.ppc
symlinks.ppc smartmontools.ppc tcp_wrappers.ppc64 mtools.ppc setuptool.ppc telnet.ppc rng-utils.ppc
# yum groupinstall "Office/Productivity"
Add your user to the system
######################### ##ഊHow to install Fedora Core 6 Linux for PS3
replace loginname with your username
# adduser loginname -g users
# echo 'loginname ALL=(ALL) ALL' >> /etc/sudoers
# passwd loginname
Graphical Mode on startup:
######################### #
change the device section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf file to:
Section "Device"
Identifier "Videocard0"
Driver "fbdev"
Option "ShadowFB" "false"
# Option "UseFBDev" "true"
change /etc/inittab file to mode 5
edit line:
Testing Graphic Mode
Reboot the PS3 and validate that you can login with your user ID.
Persist Network settings
Login as a normal user. Go to System->Administration->Network
Add a new device and setup the network to dhcp.
Select activate. (this will persist your network settings)
Go to the Add/Remove Software to add support for more languagesഊHow to install Fedora Core 6 Linux for PS3
Getting all the extras missing in FC base
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as root on the command line type
# rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/*
# rpm -ivh
# rpm --import
Download PS3 Repair Guide