Along with the rampant piracy on the PS3, emerging new diseases in whose name RSOD or PS3 Red Screen of Death. Baseball is actually very recently anyway, the PS2 is also already know the RSOD but RSOD on the PS2 only relates to the media read error, aka the media that is used instead of the PS2 media. RSOD not the same on the PS3 YLOD or Yellow Light of Death related to physical damage to the PS3, RSOD frimware associated with failure, bad boot, the hex is chaotic, one FW update, the overlap between the CFW and OFW and so forth. The problem here was not only attacking RSOD pirated users only, the user is still haunted by ori-RSOD, especially for those who do the FW update via BD, instead of downloading directly from the PSN. Scary is not it?
armed with a myriad of cases and a high curiosity, we finally decided to find out about RSOD in international forums, and this is one technique that we got from these forums on how to repair RSOD. A technique that successfully fix 80% of cases RSOD and most importantly, a free man!
To improve RSOD you must have / borrow a PS3 healthy for comparison, and can perform the installation PROGSKEET. Tutorial to install PROGSKEET to the PS3 you can search on the internet. When to install PROGSKEET course you've encountered any obstacles or difficulties to feel it helps you submit your PS3 to the experts or to shops that can fix RSOD.
After getting the dump of the NAND / NOR RSOD PS3 experience, please dump the NAND / NOR of the free PS3 RSOD. The second open dump earlier results by using hexeditor. Find a string VTRM and compare between the RSOD with non RSOD. Here, if the PS3 is pure experience RSOD not a bug or glitch, you'll find some unusual string when compared with the PS3 that are still healthy. Different strings depending on the location of the damage so there is no concrete examples that we can include here. But if you're a little curious about the comparison, we have two screenshots showing the difference between the RSOD string with a no. Correct any incorrect string manually. Usually the string is broken more than one.
In the first example appeared the letter R on the right while in the string jump to number 52.
In the second example the Euro symbol appears on the right column while the string section jumps to number 80.
The thing to remember here is, there are two locations VTRM we have to check one by one each string. If both are identical VTRM (between the RSOD with normal) please reflash back to the PS3. Voila, your PS3 will be back playing your favorite games without any problems at all.